Integrate and enforce data access policies in dbt with PACE

Our Policy As Code Engine for defining access policies simply in a YAML can now run natively inside dbt. Still free, still great. This is how you do it.

Integrate and enforce data access policies in dbt with PACE
And they lived happily ever after.

This post was written by Ivan Plantevin, Senior Software Engineer @ and a core contributor to PACE.

Enforcing data access policies in dbt with PACE

When we released our first alpha version of PACE a couple of months ago, it was in the shape of a (Spring Boot) server application. Integrating with various data processing platforms, and pulling metadata from a number of data catalogs, PACE started our journey towards open-source data access
policy management. Users can define data policies (column asks/transforms, row filters) in a yaml format, and enforce them on their processing platform by using the PACE CLI (command line interface), or alternatively the REST or gRPC API directly. Currently, PACE applies the policies by generating platform-specific SQL statements that create secure views on the targeted platform, which in their turn leverage native access controls to implement the desired access policy. Got a table with with sensitive (customer) data? Let PACE create a (privacy-)safe view for it!

When PACE met dbt

After putting PACE out to the public, we started getting similar feedback from people who shared one thing: they used dbt for all their data processing needs. They were wondering how PACE could fit in their picture. Dbt itself, after all, also is an abstraction layer
on top of databases and data processing platforms. Dbt users define models, which are essentially SQL statements that translate to tables or views, but with the power of templating, allowing for improved structuring and reuse of SQL code. Dbt also functions, to some extent, as a data catalog: data owners can specify metadata about their models, and dbt projects inherently provide a fairly extensive overview of all available data products, including lineage insights.


Modularizing PACE for dbt support

So how does PACE fit in this picture? As a server application, PACE stores its data policies in its own database, and directly connects to the different processing platforms. Running PACE in a dbt-powered data landscape would not make sense, with both tools keeping track of metadata (e.g. data policies) and integrating with data platforms (creating tables or views). Therefore, we soon concluded to let dbt be responsible for the creation and updating of new relations (PACE's SQL views), and reduce the scope of PACE to the generation of platform-specific SQL based on data policy yaml specifications. All while minimizing the impact on a dbt user's existing workflow.

To this end, we started by modularizing PACE, extracting the SQL generation into a core module, and putting everything related to running PACE as a Spring Boot application in a server module. This opened the way to adding a dbt module, which would know how to generate dbt models
for PACE data policies, packaged and runnable as a simple executable. The dbt module works as follows[1]:

  1. A user adds PACE field transforms/filters to their existing schema.yml files, on model or column level, under dbt's meta sections (see the example below).
  2. After a dbt compile or dbt run, dbt's target/manifest.json file is updated as usual, containing the project's complete configuration, including the PACE policy specifications.
  3. The user runs the PACE dbt module (currently a Java jar file) from the dbt project's root, which results in the creation of additional model files, each containing the platform-specific SQL that implements the policy.
  4. During the next dbt run execution, dbt creates the secure PACE views on the target platform.

With this approach, the data access policies reside as closely as possible to their respective model metadata, becoming an integral part of the dbt project and workflow. Since both the policy definitions and their implementations (the PACE models) are part of the same (version-controlled) code base, the data access management process is transparent and explicit.

How it works: an example

Let's look at a basic example with an imaginary "transactions" model. Here's the (minimal) schema.yml file we'll enrich with a PACE data policy:

version: 2

  - name: dim_transactions
      - name: transactionid
      - name: userid
      - name: email
      - name: age
      - name: transactionamount
      - name: brand

Let's say that we want to protect the data in the following way:

  • The userid should be nullified for all users, except for administrators.
  • The email should be masked to only show the domain, except for administrators.
  • Administrators can see all records, but everyone else can only see records for users with an age greater than 18.

Then we can add the field transforms to their respective column metadata, and the filter rule to the model's metadata:

version: 2

  - name: dim_transactions
      - name: transactionid
      - name: userid
            # The administrator gets the original userid (identity).
            - principals: [ { group: administrator } ]
              identity: { }
            # Everyone else gets a null value.
            - principals: [ ]
              nullify: { }
      - name: email
            # Again, the administrator gets the original value.
            - principals: [ { group: administrator } ]
              identity: { }
            # Everyone else gets a partially masked email address using a regular 
            # expression transform.
            - principals: [ ]
                regexp: "^.*(@.*)$"
                replacement: "****$1"
      - name: age
      - name: transactionamount
      - name: brand
        - filters:
            - generic_filter:
                  # The "true" condition results in every row being shown to
                  # the administrators.
                  - principals: [ { group: administrator } ]
                    condition: "true"
                  # Everyone else only sees records where the age is greater than 18
                  - principals: [ ]
                    condition: "age > 18"

After a dbt compile and an execution of the PACE dbt module on the dbt project, a new dbt model is generated. For a dbt project using databricks as data platform, the PACE dbt module will generate the following
dbt model:

    This file was auto-generated by PACE. Do not edit this file directly.
      meta={'pace_generated': true}

    when (is_account_group_member('administrator')) then userid
    else null
  end userid,
    when (is_account_group_member('administrator')) then email
    else regexp_replace('email', '^.*(@.*)$', '****$1')
  end email,
from {{ ref('stg_demo') }}
where case
  when (is_account_group_member('administrator')) then true
  else age > 18

On the next dbt run execution, dbt will create the view for this PACE model on the target platform.

ℹ️ In this example we explicitly specified the field transforms. PACE server supports tag-based
transforms, let us know if you'd like to have those for PACE dbt too!

ℹ️ For a more detailed overview on how to use PACE with dbt, see our docs.

It's a wrap

That's all for now! We'd be happy to know what you think and what (missing) functionality would be most useful to your (dbt) data workflow.

Reach out to us on Slack or GitHub and join the discussion on open-source data security!

  1. we looked extensively at ways to blend PACE more into the execution of the dbt compile or dbt run commands themselves, but dbt-core currently only offers SQL hooks for pre/post-actions. ↩︎